Abdul Quraishi
I was born in Afghanistan and lived in India for nine years before moving to Des Moines, IA, in 2017. I didn't know what exact career path I wanted to choose during my time in high school until I took AP Chemistry, which helped me understand how much I liked the field of chemistry. My decision to pursue chemistry in addition to my dexterity skills made me realize that I wanted to become a dentist. During my first year at the university, I liked assisting my friends and tutoring students on chemistry while pursuing my pre-dental track. I became aware of how important education is for assisting students in learning and comprehending chemistry through my work with others. One of my friends informed me about the Cole research group, and after learning about some of their guiding principles, I realized that this group would be the best fit for me. In addition to better preparing myself for a future in dentistry, I wish to gain a deeper understanding of the significant role that chemistry education plays in students' knowledge. Aside from studying, I enjoy working out, socializing with others, and being a Marvel enthusiast.